Saturday, February 11, 2012


As previously announced, John W. Morhead and I are editing a collection of (GREAT!) essays on THE UNDEAD AND THEOLOGY (Wipf and Stock). Essays on zombies, various types of vampires (whether romantic or otherwise), the Golem, Goth culture, cenobites - Oh my!

Well, this being an academic volume, there's the pesky matter of the subvention fee (paying for typesetting, in other words). I got most of it covered by grants from Iona College and St. Thomas University (special thanks to them for supporting scholarship on pop culture). But there's still a big chunk (a little less than half) to go.

So we decided on the unorthodox route of a Kickstarter campaign. Please consider supporting it! We have some nice rewards (though I feel like NPR or PBS, saying that) and you'll be doing your part for academia, the horror genre, me, John - just lots of folks! Thanks!!


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